17 December 2020

Reducing losses with an antivirus cover for greenhouses and tunnels.

As antivirus plastic films, Solaris and Virolux from Agriplast make the difference when it comes to income, guaranteeing high yields. […] Producers fear plant diseases, and […]
9 February 2021

How to grow bananas in temperate climates.

SuperSolex by Agriplast […] Protected cultivation is becoming increasingly popular not only for vegetables, but also when it comes to tree crops. Supply diversification often goes […]
3 March 2021

Appropriate investments can reduce environmental impact.

For Agriplast hi-tech innovation at the heart of eco-friendly agriculture […] “For several years now, Agriplast has been investing significantly in the renewal of its machinery […]
6 April 2021

Recycling plastic materials – an objective to be pursued

[…] As a processer of plastic materials, Agriplast works with a material that boasts the best recyclability level, but which is nevertheless used and managed as […]
6 April 2021

With the right tools, it is possible to grow produce all over the world.

Agriplast confirms its leadership in the production of plastic materials for intensive agriculture. […] “Our company was established in Vittoria (RG), Sicily, in 1975. This is […]
28 May 2021

A correct light exposure improves greenhouse performances.

Solex by Agriplast […] The management of greenhouse climate is rather complex when it comes to intensive cultivation, as it is what determines a good outcome. […]
8 July 2021

Mineral loads for diffused light films

Aralux by Agriplast […] Agriplast, thanks to important investments in research and development, has developed a new type of mineral fillers, much thinner than those commonly […]
4 October 2021

A coverage of merely 90 microns throughout two strawberry tree campaigns

Huelvasol by Agriplast […] Reducing costs and environmental impact in agriculture has become, in recent years, one of the key elements for a sustainable development. In […]